Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fair mais la bouche...

Why is it that we find ourselves in a predicament where we can't say what we really want to?
It's so frustrating to want to blurt out something (even if it's not nice, but it's the truth).
It seems that the we are more inclined to be nice and hold our tongues.

Well, here's my question pour le demain...

Why is it we would rather lie than tell the truth? Are we so geared towards being liked than actually voicing our TRUE opinions?

Do we all want to be liked SO bad that we have to lie...if this is so, I wish it were the other way around.
Here's something a little colorful but still it's honest...fino a domani

Sunday, August 29, 2010

la musique fait le monde circuler

Music makes the world go 'round...

Why is it we listen to music? Is it because we feel the need to keep our minds busy with a crazy beat or a smooth song?
These days, it seems the art of music is evolving. But what happened to the days of Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack? Whatever happened to people treasuring Mozart, Bach and all those geniuses? Is there any room left in the world for these oldies but extremely goodies.   It seems they've been left behind in the dust by a whole new type of music that's not created by a band but a computer.
What I'm trying to say is that even as our music cravings evolve for different music we can't forget our musical past...
So my true question is....
              Why music? Why listen? 

...a little frank for everyone...Fly me to the moon

fino a domani 

A question a day keeps the psychologist away....

This is day one. I've slowly discovered answering a question a day is a good way to keep yourself sane.
So everyday, there will be a question. 
Silly, sad or in between these are the questions I find asking myself everyday.
It seems the more I ask, the more questions I come up with. I'm hoping that you too will find these a way to escape and think beyond our small little lives (or right into the battlefield of ourselves)...enjoy :)

" What makes the world go 'round? "

make the world go round by Sandy B.

fino a domani