Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ah, a laborless labor day.

fact: that picture is of a dumbo octopus. they live in the deep ocean and use their tentacles (which truly aren't used like tentacles in regular octopuses) to move and of course their adorable ears are used to move too...below is the video of the little dumbo octopus inking in finding nemo- which by the way squid and octopus ink doesn't look like that. it's brown and clumps in water.

With surviving hurricane earl (which was pretty weak), it was a pretty lazy weekend.

So let me cut to the chase...my question for today is-
Why does money matter so much? Why do we have to work money?

..i know. i know. nothing would get done. but still...why does it matter?  If people worked for food and shelter-like serfs- then maybe things would be very different in the world today. The poor would have to work- instead of sucking the system dry for all twenty of their children and themselves. 
My point is- today at the local épicerie a woman was using her welfare checks to buy junk food...so the moral of the story is, i'm actually paying for her and her gras children to eat (and they were gras).
oh the ridiculousness of the world..fino a domani

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